Chatter's Resource Page

Dear Volunteer,

Thank you for your kindness in offering your time to the Let’s Get Chatty Group, to provide this much needed service to the public during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are very grateful. In this induction pack you will find everything you need to fulfil your role as a volunteer.
The purpose of our Let’s Get Chatty service: 

We provide a safe, and friendly environment for people under this current situation of COVID-19, who are either having to shield, are in self-isolation, worried about relatives or simply feeling lonely, and would like someone to talk to. The Let’s Get Chatty Group are here to offer this support. We are not a counselling service, or a help group, but made up of committed volunteers willing to provide a listening ear to those who find lockdown and social distancing challenging for any number of reasons. All volunteers have received some training in listening skills, but on the whole we are everyday people who would love to chat with anyone who needs to talk. The group also has an inbuilt buddy system, which provides much needed support to our volunteers as we deal with a larger volume of calls. We are here to make sure we take care of each other as well. For more complicated cases, a referral team, comprised of trained professionals, is also on hand to provide any additional advice, help or support that you might need.

This Induction pack contains;
1. This Welcome Letter
2. Guidelines for the Group - PLEASE READ
3. MARR Signposting Document - a useful list for you to refer to, should you ever need to let your caller know about other services both locally and nationally.
4. The Referral Team (Who we are) – contact information of the referral team.
5. LGC Supervision Sessions and how it works - you will be emailed the name of your buddy for this scheme, this is the person who you can speak to for additional support.
6. How LGC Works – A simplified diagram of how LGC works.
7. The Induction Slides that accompany the Induction Video below.
8. Self Care - This document is to help you with your well-being, we want you to take care of yourself so you are able to help others.

If you have any questions please get in touch with The Referral Team via Email


If you attend a Coffee, Chat & Connect or a Walk & Talk session as an LGC volunteer, you are entitled to reclaim £3.00 towards the price of a beverage as well as your car parking charges, bus ticket or fuel milage (currently set at £0.50 per mile). In order to request reimburement please click here. Ensure you upload all receipts / parking display tickets etc otherwise your request may not be authorised.  If you have any issues with the forms please give Kate a call on 01634 907045.