This portal now allows for the exchange of money for goods, where the goods are purchased by one of our volunteers due to the lack of access to cash, whilst you're shielding or because you have tested positive for Covid-19 and are in isolation or because you are housebound due to other reasons. Goods are hand delivered directly to your front door. This service is best for those unable to use the internet to undertake their own online orders.
Our volunteer will never accept payment for goods prior to delivery, however when this payment portal is required we do ask that payment is processed in a timely manner, so that we may reimburse our volunteer as soon as is possible. You will receive a receipt for your transaction either via email or in the post if you do not have access to the internet.
Processing Fee - Shopping Services Only: We are a non-for profit Community Interest Company and as such we do not charge for our services, however to cover the transactional fees of this website we will add £1 to every transaction up to the value of £30.00.
Limited Liability
Our volunteer and the central MA|RR initiative take no responsibility for the goods themselves and by you engaging one of our volunteer for assistance accept this, we are simply a pathway between you and the retailer. If the goods are faulty this must be taken up directly with the shop manager. A volunteer may be able to assist you in this process, however this will be at the volunteer's discretion.
We are not manufacturing and directly selling produce but instead providing a free delivery service, you will therefore only be entitled to a refund if the volunteer fails to deliver your shopping/prescription (Photographic evidence will be taken at point of delivery). As stated above we may be able to assist with returns at the discretion of the volunteer.
Things we can’t purchase…
Because of licencing regulations we are unable to purchased Tobacco and Alcohol products.